Sunday, April 16, 2017

Tuesday is Your Last Chance


Finally, a good IRS rule: The usual rule is Taxes Due April 15.  But a filing deadline can't be on a Saturday (the 15th), Sunday or legal holiday. Well, what about Monday?  That's Emancipation Day, a legal holiday, which actually fell on April 16. But it can't be honored if it falls on a Sunday so it gets shifted to Monday, April 17.  And, since the Emancipation Day is honored in Washington, D.C., on Monday, April 17, the IRS headquarters are closed that day. That means your tax deadline moves to Tuesday, April 18. Gotta love those holiday rules!

Note:  I have no idea if state tax returns have different rules.  I'm lucky enough to live in a state where we don't have state tax returns. Property tax, yes, up the whazoo.

Tara Donovan is the artist who made this installation we saw last year at the Renwick.  It could possibly be the IRS file room ....

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