Thursday, July 10, 2008

Moo Cards

These are some of my new Moo Minicards. The fun part about Moo Minicards is the fact that in your order of 100 cards you can have as many different images as you want. I've already given several out to people who want to know about the art I make.

On the back you can have up to 6 lines of information. Here you can tell people your email address, where they can find your blog, your latest slogan, or anything else you want. Don't mistake these for business cards because they aren't the same size. But Moo does make business cards also.

They come from England. No, not a problem. They like American money just fine and happily took my $26.98 total in exchange for 100 cards, shipped First Class/Airmail. I ordered them on Monday, June 23, had a confirmation email by Wednesday, June 25, and Moo cards in my mailbox by Tuesday, July 8. The real problem is that once you get your first order of Moo Minicards you immediately want to order more!

1 comment:

  1. Don,Thanks for the Moo card info, love yours and your art work!!! Wore an MIA bracelet too, mine hasn't come home either. I am glad you got home safely!!!


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