Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Nekkid Guy

In the past Michael DeMeng has taught classes utilizing The Invisible Man, or as some of us referred to him, Nekkid Guy. Take a look at the images on his website. Several vendors sell them online, as does Michael.

When Susan first found out about them two years ago she went out and bought 10 of them at Dollar Tree. The plan was to spray paint them all one color and then line them up in a window. After she unwrapped them she realized she really liked the way they looked just ....nekkid. No paint. And also that she needed more. Not so easy to do. She tried all the Dollar Tree stores she could find in Austin but they were all out. On a subsequent road trip we found 4 more in one town and 2 in another and then I put my foot down about having to troll for Dollar Tree stores.

The really wild thing about Nekkid Guy was that those first 16 had varying colors of body parts: some brains were orange, some purple, some green and so on. And they looked really good in a window (feet stuck down with Museum Putty) with all the varying colors and the light coming through them. Per Susan, if you take out the body parts and separate them, you will never be able get them back in. Never.

Much to my dismay, more Nekkid Guys have come to my house as Susan has discovered that Dollar Tree is now carrying them again (a clerk told her they are considered a back-to-school item). But this time they are called Human Body Model and so far they all have the same color scheme for body parts.

1 comment:

  1. I want to come to your house. I also want to have my own nekkid guys lined up in my studio window, right next to the Lone Ranger and my plastic Batman. Thank you for sharing!
    Will see Susan in a week!
    Jill Berry


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