Monday, July 21, 2008


I was first tagged by Sherry for this award:

The goal is to encourage bloggers and the rules are:
Put the logo on your blog and a link to the person who named you. Then, name 7 others, add their links to your blog and leave a message on their blog.

Oh No! It's a chain letter. But Sherry promised me it was OK to ignore it, it was OK to not participate. Arrrgggghhhhh. The pressure!
I did the obvious thing: nothing.
I told myself I'd think about it for a while and then decide.

And that came to haunt me because now I've been tagged a second time by Marie.

I give up. Blogging is fun but it is hard work also and to think that your words just float off into cyberspace without anyone seeing them is a lonely feeling. So, in the interest of encouraging others, and in no particular order, here are just a few of the many blogs I like to visit:

Andrea - Hula Seventy, for creativity and photography
PK (Paul) - BibliOdyssey, for depth of material
Kate - The Department of Me, for beautiful photography
All Things Bright and Beautiful, for blogging tips
Andrea Joseph's Sketchblog, for creativity and artwork
Dijanne Cevaal - Musings of a Textile Itinerant, Susan's choice for creativity
Project Rungay, Susan's choice for irreverent and withering slaps at creative endeavors (and yes, I have watched it and it is like watching a train wreck)

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