Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Third Class - Faux Bone™

My third class was Richard Salley's Solar Powered Timepiece and Compass Pendant.

I still have more to do on it, as the class went too fast for me to do careful work on the wire wrapping. The cover is an etched copper pendant - recognize my face? The dial is made of Faux Bone™ and the tooth at the bottom is one I bought in New York City at Maxilla and Mandible. The tooth is actually taking the place of a gnomon ("shadow caster") for the sundial.

Tomorrow I'll post my final piece: The Man in the Moon.


  1. Your work is totally FAB, Don!!
    It was such a pleasure to connect with both you & Susan at AU. So glad that you were actually real & not just a shared hallucination of Janis & Carol's. So sorry to see you go.
    Will look forward to seeing you next year... or, perhaps, before...
    Betsy from NH
    inspired by you to blog:
    but there's no content there yet.

  2. Exciting new stuff, bro! My personal favorite is the solar powered time piece... or was it the watch piece locket????

    Very unique and very interesting.
    You're getting darned good...but you'll have to get a bigger house if you start working on dinasaurs!

    Way cool paper/book, Susan!! Like the use of beads, too -- the Part 1 work is my fave. You rock!!

    You both continue to amaze. Can't wait to retire someday over the rainbow... :o)


  3. Wow, amazing work! I presume photos of Susan's workshop pieces will follow?


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