Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Creative People

Ha! Robyn gave me a Brillante Weblog Award but she wasn't aware that I had already received the award (July 21), thanks to Sherry at Got Art?. Was it good to receive the award the first time? Definitely yes, because I was just about at the point where I thought no one saw my blog, no one cared about what I did, and there was no reason to keep on blogging. Once I got the award I realized someone was looking and decided to keep going. This was all to Susan's dismay because she does the photos and usually types up what I want to say, grumbling most of the time about what I'm saying as she trims out all my excess pontificating. Thanks again, now to Robyn, for keeping me honest in my blog.

Here, listed again are the original blogs (and the reasons) I passed the Brillante Award on to:

Andrea - Hula Seventy, for creativity and photography
PK (Paul) - BibliOdyssey, for depth of material
Kate - The Department of Me, for beautiful photography
All Things Bright and Beautiful, for blogging tips
Andrea Joseph's Sketchblog, for creativity and artwork
Dijanne - Musings of a Textile Itinerant, Susan's choice for creativity
Project Rungay, (yes, that's spelled correctly) Susan's choice for irreverent and withering slaps at creative endeavors (and yes, I have watched the TV show and it is like watching a train wreck)

Back in July I hadn't locked into Robyn's blog, Art Propelled, but it would definitely be on my Brillante list now, along with a few others that Susan and I have recently taken note of:

Michael - Scribblings of a Creative Junky, for artwork and because he has the guts to wear a kilt
Mary Ann- Dispatch from LA - for writing, photography, and artwork
Nico - Mail Art, because it's global and I'm curious to see how far it will go
Tara - A Speckle of Twisted Whimsey, for creativity and artwork
Jo - MyStory - stunning photography and artwork

My list of Favorites-Blogs has about 20 entries, Susan's has over 50 entries. If your blog isn't listed here, it's not because it doesn't deserve a Brillante Award, it's just because this entry is getting too long (and Susan is saying "Enough for now!!!"). In her spare time I'll get her to add these to the sidebar of this blog.

Flattering as the award is, in actuality it is a viral nuisance and has no sponsor. So what? I'm more than happy to "nominate" other blogs and let them know of their mention in my blog but, like Robyn, I won't perpetuate the nuisance rules. Please feel free to copy this logo and nominate yourself or anyone else you think deserves mention. In other words, pass it forward.


  1. Hi Don, I'm here by way of Jo at Mystory - I really love your figures - and you are funny - and there is a shot of some springs set in a garden - I have those same springs only mine are sitting atop candle holders and they hold candles - well sometimes and other times they hold nothing, but just sit there and look springy

  2. Oooo lots of delicious blogs to explore!
    I've just discovered a drum and kettle bird on Megha's blog.(latest post) You will love it! http://arthandnitya.blogspot.com/

  3. If you guys (yes, you Robyn) don't quit giving me so much "eye candy" I'll never get any work done! Good progressive photos of your work, Jeane.

  4. Hello Don

    Thanks for “comment” at my Mail Art Blog.
    Please send me your postal address and I will send you an mail artwork.

    Nico van Hoorn
    Ganzenheuvel 7
    6511 WD – NIJMEGEN
    The Netherlands



  5. I do love my kilts. I think every man should ware one for a week and see if they don't go and burn all there pants. I honestly have no clue how us guys with the extra bits down there, got stuck wearing the clothing with close cut inseams. LOL

    Check em out. http://www.utilikilts.com/



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