Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A New Dude

I'm going in two different directions now but my mojo is coming back. Susan laid down the law and I now have to be out of the house and at school at least two days a week. She said that keeps me from putting a harsh on her mellow. I had to ask her to interpret that one.

One of my classmates asked me if I was still making "dudes". Yep, sure am and here he is, unfired and drying. The "sandcastle" in the second picture is going to be history by the end of the week; after studying the picture I saw I wasn't actually going in the direction I thought I was. Course correction has been made.


  1. Don, I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to meet you and Susan at Art Unraveled. I've been following your blog for a while now and your sense of humor cracks me up. I really enjoy seeing your work and don't believe I've ever been so tempted to take class to learn to work with clay. I truly love the pieces you create.

  2. Thanks. It's a community college class, they are pretty easy-going about what you do once you've passed the admissions hurdle and taken their basic class. The best benefit (after good instructors) is being able to use their kiln. Check it out in your area.

  3. I love the new dude, Don.
    Putting a harsh on her mellow ....probably the same as raining on her parade...LOL.
    Susan, I understand.


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