Thursday, October 9, 2008

Gathering Stuff

Susan and EJ went to an Estate Sale last week even though she was pretty sure everything would be picked over because it was late on the 2nd day. Fortunately for me she only had $40 cash with her so that kept her from buying more than one of these cool school posters at $15. It is about 3'x5', has some water stains but still looks great.

The Belgian story book intrigued her because instead of the characters having word balloons over their heads so you know who is talking, they have little character heads next to the text. Or maybe that's the way all story books are now. What do we know? We grew up with Dick and Jane.

Once she photographed the poster she had to go crazy with Photoshop. She told me she had planned to cut the poster up (it's paper glued on heavy canvas) to make book covers but now she's liking it the way it is.

Other loot acquired included old velvet-covered record album books, children's silverware, wooden weaving shuttles, a china doll head, a weird Kewpie doll with one (broken) arm, and some mysterious old tools. All in all, a good haul.


  1. WOW a great haul! Looking forward to seeing what becomes of it all.
    Tell Susan I like her poster too! I don't use photoshop, but I think I would love it so much, I would'nt do anything else! Don I too grew up with Dick & Jane! Funny to look back now, gee if only I'd kept some of my early school books...they have become collectable 'vintage' items here in AU.

  2. They are vintage items here too. Susan said don't do Photoshop, you wouldn't do anything else all day until your mouse-ing arm fell off numb.

  3. Gathering kind of day!
    I also had Dick and Jane, and Janet and John.


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