Thursday, October 16, 2008

What Was It? The Rest of the Story

Revisiting my strange plant. The first picture below was taken October 9, the second on October 12. It finally bloomed on October 14. Just for the record, the flower smells like rotten meat and attracted a lot of flies. Anybody know what this is?


  1. some of the names this plant goes by . . .Carrion plant, Carrion flower, Starfish plant, Toad plant, Zulu Giant Stapelia gigantea. It's from the Asclepiadaceae family (ass-kle-pee-ad-AY-see-ee)

  2. Don, I believe it's called a Starfish cactus, but I could be wrong. They are beautiful when they bloom.

    And I LOVE your blog, by the way. Your creations are fantastic and I'm often giggling at your sense of humor.

  3. Sherry, you must have been a botanist in another life! The blooms are still on, mainly because I told Susan not to get near it - she can kill a plant by just looking across a room at it.

    And thanks, Angie. For 32 years in my previous life I had to hide my sense of humor, so I've saved a lot up.

  4. No botanist HERE Don! LOL I just had time to do some research on the internet this morning before I left for work. Your plant had me curous *smiles*

  5. I do love the effect the plant is having on that droopy chap at the top of the pot :-) I'm afraid I have a similar effect on plants as Susan does....especially roses. I just look at roses and they quail.


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