Thursday, October 2, 2008

Where I Do What I Do

One bonus of taking ceramics classes at ACC (Austin Community College) is a spacious working environment and supportive, encouraging instructors. Another bonus is the collective creativity generated from all the students in my classes.

ACC is housed in an old building that used to be Austin's only high school.

The ceramics classroom is in the basement.

John makes big pots. Very big posts. Sharon Smith is one of my instructors and she gives killer critiques. She and I agree that when someone says, "Oh, how cute!" you might want to re-think what you are doing.

Mary and I do battle over the few free parking spots in front of the school. To get one I usually have to show up before dawn. I think Mary just parks her car there the night before and sleeps in her car. I've only beat her to the free spots about twice.
A new dude, standing in front of some of John's big pots.

Your faithful old dude, working away on his little dudes.


  1. Love seeing the studio. I just started ceramics again after being away for 25+ years. oh my! Anyway, centering came back, like riding a bike,,,,, put pulling up the clay, thats anotehr matter! I'm working on it though.

  2. I did thrown pottery nearly 35 years ago for 3 months. It is nice to feel the "zen" of throwing and centering. But now I do ONLY hand built stuff. My arms and hands thank me and so do the students who now have an extra wheel to work at. Thanks for your comments. Don

  3. Hi there Don! I like your new "dude"! *smiles*

  4. I enjoyed the tour. Reminds me of my short stint doing pottery. I put copper wire on everything before firing to get a rather nice effect.


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