Saturday, November 1, 2008

Art Car

"The Lizard King Car is a gift to Steamboat Springs from Rebecca Bass, Waltrip High School, Texas". Evidently this woman has her students making art cars every year.

No, I didn't get to go to Colorado, but my sister-in-law, Linda, did and took these pictures for me. I think she thought I'd be motivated by them but instead I'm overwhelmed. High school!?!?

All I ever did in high school was make a leather wallet in shop class. Art class? That was for sissies. Fast-forward many, many years. As the not-politically-correct saying goes, "You've come a long way, Baby."


  1. Wow, you're right, high school??? let's see . . . i can remember an apron and a pair of hip-hugger pants. when i was going to high school, the girls didn't take *shop* and the boys didn't take *home ec*. yes, we've come a long way - smiles


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