Sunday, December 14, 2008

Button, Button

Life is improving slightly. The kitchen now has light, Susan's printer is temporarily happy, she has a new battery for her keyless car key, and my back is getting better. Some people have recommended a chiropractor but that's not my preference - accupuncture is, and that seemed to really help me so I'll stick with that (and massage). Different strokes for different folks.

I had to get a new keyboard for my computer. It was just my bad luck that I took Susan with me and just my worse bad luck that Fry's Electronics is located in the same shopping center as Harbor Freight, Half-Price Books, and Dollar Tree, some of our favorite stores. That turned out to be a three-hour trip.

How could we turn down Dollar Tree buttons like these? The classic question non-art people have about items like these is, "What do you plan to do with them?" The classic answer, said very innocently, after a long pause while looking intently at the items, is always, "Beats the hell out of me."

Susan adds: I have no idea why this video of "How To Make A Button" is so enchanting but it just is. She is so earnest about explaining it all that I want it to be true!


  1. First, I would like to write that I am happy that your back is getting better and that life is improving for you and Susan.

    Fry's, Dollar Tree and Half-Price Books. Wow, nice shopping trip.

    But the best part of this blog post was The How to Make a Button video! I wonder how many takes there were when filming this? I think I'm in the wrong business. I can keep a straight face like she did with no re-takes. Do you think I could make a living doing videos like that? LOL

    I forgot to add . . . LOVE the buttons you picked up at Dollar Tree!

  2. Glad you are getting around Don. I wait with bated breath for "Buttoned Dude".


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