Friday, January 23, 2009

Rolling Along

Susan meant to get this for me at Christmas but things got too hectic around the mall area so she didn't do it. But the day I said I had to make a trip to Home Depot (I was having tool withdrawal pains) she handed me a BedBathBeyond discount coupon and reminded me it was just next door so I could easily treat myself.

It's a very heavy teflon-coated rolling pin I use to roll out clay slabs at home. At school I have the use of a big slab roller but before I just had a junky wooden rolling pin and it never seemed useful. This big one is PERFECT.

My ceramics class starts back up today. Or as Susan calls it, "Adult Daycare".


  1. Great, now I have to check for "craft items" at Bed, Bath and Beyond too. I have walked up and down the aisles of Home Depot looking at things differently I guess I can look around there as well.

    Happy rolling....

  2. Good Grief, I thought you were going to have a bed bath or something equally as frightening. What could possibly be beyond a bed bath? Now I understand. We don't have a BedBathBeyond here....nor adult daycare....which could be very handy.


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