Thursday, January 29, 2009

Secret Belgians and Baby Dremels

Saturday was a busy day for us. Susan went to a workshop sponsored by the Capital City Scribes where she learned how to make a book with a Mongolian Binding. She said was sturdy enough it could have been carried around by Genghis Khan (no picture of it, sorry). These pictures are of the 2nd book she made with the Secret Belgian Binding. She said the secret was that it was hard as hell to do. The covers are Arches Text Wove paper, with washes and stamping (large foam stamps) with acrylic paint mixed with gesso. The thread is waxed linen.

While she was in that workshop I was busy shopping at one of my favorite stores, Harbor Freight. (And it's one of EJ's favorites, too.) If you haven't signed up for their mailing list, do it! That's how I found out this great tool was on sale for only $6.99. This Baby Dremel will be perfect for drilling little holes in stuff like leather and cardboard where normally I'd have to work with a screw punch and wind up with a big hole. When Susan saw it she made me go back and buy her one. She calls it her Sissy Dremel.


  1. Nice job with the book Susan and the mini "Dremel" is cute.

  2. Beautifully constructed book Susan.

    I've studied the Dremel, the bits and pieces and the packaging to the inth degree. Now I'm wondering which bit is for what?

  3. Robyn -
    Now that I've ripped them out of the packaging, I'm wondering too. Some are for grinding and cutting and buffing and all I care about are the little drill bits to make holes in stuff. Without going RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR real loud and fast.

  4. Cool tool and I wish it were voltage compatible here as I need one!


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