Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Yes, I Can So!

Maybe you think that all I can do is make art? Wrong! I can cook. Two years ago we went to Sicily and part of the group tour involved cooking classes. Not only did I learn to make gnocchi, I made two new friends.

Right now all my clay work is in that in-between stage where I'm not sure where I'm going with it but I'm not ready to give up on it. In the meantime I'll be showing you my wish-I-was-there-again pictures.

Susan: Don't let him fool you. We buy our gnocchi now.


  1. As much as I am looking forward to seeing the additional photos you will be posting from your trip to Sicily, I think you could REALLY impress me with getting in your kitchen and making gnocchi for Susan! LOL

  2. That white hat is a killer accessory! Maybe you should try wearing one when you are 'fixing' some clay?


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