Saturday, February 21, 2009

Size Might Matter

This picture was taken in the grounds of a museum in Sicily where we heard a good talk about Sicily being in the middle of a number of trade routes which resulted in a lot of culture being dumped on it. I'd tell you more but the visit to the museum happened after a big Sicilian lunch and I do know how to nap standing up.

Me: This is the picture I want on the post. Can you fix it?
Susan: Looks fine to me. What's the problem?
Me: Can you make me look like I didn't eat so much in Sicily?
Susan: You ate too much in Sicily.
And I have Photoshop Elements 2.0 and it won't work to make you look skinny.
But we could get a better version of Photoshop and maybe a Wacom tablet and I might be able to do it.
Me: How much would that cost?
Susan: Total, maybe about $600-700.
Me: You're right, the picture looks fine.

For the record, the official ceramics name for a pot this size is "Big-A** Pot".

1 comment:

  1. I'm with Susan. The photo looks "ok", but wow, just think how much better you could have looked if she had the upgraded tools to work with! *hee hee*

    Hey Susan, tell me if that worked ok? :)


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