Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Susan is Gagging

A beautiful day today, sunny, dry and 87 degrees. The kind of days in Texas where bugs decide it's Spring Break and they get together and party -- in our house. All of the sudden we had an ant invasion. Big ants. Big. Like nearly 3/4" long (we grow them big down here). No, they aren't termites. They weren't there at lunch and all of the sudden 2 hours later there were hundreds of them swarming around and in one window. Susan's yelling at me to bug-bomb them (sorry, PETA) and I'm sweeping them back out onto the deck to get rid of them. Once they were gone I went crawling down underneath our deck to be sure their home base was wiped out. Whoa! A mound full of ants! The sissy ants hiding out there are now history and it's been a few hours with no stragglers showing up so we're good for the time being. This type of invasion happens once or twice a year at our house, mainly because we live near a creek and have a large wooded backyard. Nice for our view but nice also for critters and bugs who are thirsty.

Speaking of critters. . . .
As I was crawling around under our deck near the outside of our lot I spotted this fellow. He has now been moved to a prime spot where I can watch him from the kitchen window. I'm thinking some of the nearby foxes or raccoons will carry him off even though he is totally dry. He probably bit the dust last summer when it was very hot and dry and since we're in a prolonged drought period he had plenty of time to work on his tan without anyone getting a whiff of him. I got a lot of good pictures and will take some more later today. Hope you find this possum as interesting as I do.

Susan, the Blog Wrangler speaks:
No. No way. I am not putting all these disgusting pictures up. Don got to pick one picture and I have posted it without really looking at it. Gross. Interesting, my eye. That thing had better be gone by tomorrow morning or I'm not going in the kitchen. Want food? Get it yourself.


  1. When I lived in San Antonio we had the annual invasion of the crazy ants as we called them because they didn't walk in straight lines like other ants they zigzagged their way from point A to point B. Here in Virginia we have the spring invasion of sugar ants that always enter the kitchen from the same place. I go crazy like Susan and ask (I mean demand) hubby get something like a small scale nuclear weapon to take them out. They can live outside my house NOT inside.

  2. ........the dirt on the chin is an especially nice touch. :o) Just glad it's only a possom! - G.

  3. Funny! We've not had ant invasions (yet) though our backyard isn't too far from a creek. The skeleton is cool. Post more pictures!

  4. I'm with you on this one Don, I collect skeletons too & actually have them in the house - at the moment there's a bird's head and sheep's jaw. They fascinate me but I do wonder what friends would think if they spotted them - they're in my studio - well hidden! My godson already thinks I'm a weirdo because I had some bird's nests in the house.

  5. Ah, then I probably shouldn't mention that my first impulse upon reading this entry was . . . "What?! They're going to let some animal drag it off? Pop it in the mail to me, and I'll clean and bleach it and use it in art!"

    Oh well. Guess I just did.

  6. Don, I'm with you in thinking it interesting. But alas what was that sound? Sounded like a foot being put down. Love your work.


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