Tuesday, March 10, 2009


No, Bridget, animals won't carry my possum off. And no, you can't have him. I've put a nice little cage around him and since we're still in a drought status he's just drying up nicely. Every morning Susan looks out the kitchen window and says "Is that damned thing STILL there?"

This is the trunk of a cedar tree. Normally it just looks a little ragged but in the spring time the wrens rip it apart for their nests. We have rock wrens nesting near our kitchen window and we're crossing our fingers that their babies make it this year. Last year both babies made it out, barely flapping to the nearby tree. The year before they were night time snacks for a screech owl. The year before that they wound up being a surprise treat for the old near-blind cat from next door who slept on the deck under their nest. She probably thought she'd died and gone to heaven when they fell right down in front of her. I think she hesitated for about one nano second before her long-forgotten pounce move came back to her.

Seth's Disintegration Collaboration for artists is a great idea and I'm just irked that my stuff won't DO anything. Because of the drought I'm thinking that it will be this summer in our smothering heat before the thing spontaneously combusts. To give my Disintegration piece a hint about how to behave I've moved the dead possum close to it.


  1. I really want to see what Don does with that possum - I say tie some paper to it, and call THAT your entry in the disintegration thing . . .

  2. This is great! Very unique decoration. Interesting to read about the birds too.

  3. Yes, certainly curious about what you might do with that dead possum. It sure looks a lot bigger than the ones we get downunder...even in it's dehydrated state!


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