Friday, April 17, 2009

Don Does Art on Paper

I needed some papers to be pages in a book I'm going to make next month. Susan had some pages she had done jello? gelatin? printing on but it was just black on white. So I had her help me put some more dirt (i.e., guy) colors on the papers, I stamped a few places, and then we cut it up to be the pages. They'll be folded in half for the book.

I can weld, I can do ceramics, I can make jewelry, I can make painted papers and I can even do the laundry. I got to make dinner in exchange for Susan giving up her papers.

P.S. Just to keep the record straight, that's my hairy arm in the picture.


  1. I bet Susan is one happy lady having you around! Laundry AND cooking?! WOW!

    Oh yeah . . .love the papers for the book *smiles*

  2. Oh yeah, he does the dishes too. I'd say I'm spoiled rotten except for when he begs "Please answer my email for me, please? I'll tell you what to say, you just do the typing. And please fix my blog for me while you're at it."


  3. I can totally relate. Paper does not seem to be a man thing. By marketing alone it is not a man thing. We have to do extra work to "man it up" lol You have more guts than me. Every time I am faced with paper I instantly think "Now, how can this chunk of metal fit in to this? hahaha ><


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