Sunday, May 31, 2009

NYC - The Metropolitan Museum

Funerary equipment belonging to one of the three minor wives (Maruta, Manhata, or Manuwai) of King Thutmose III, who reigned between 1479 and 1425 B.C.. Susan was not impressed with the term "minor" used in the musuem's description.

Linen sheets from the tomb of Ramose and Hatnofer (1479 - 1458 B.C.). It was an old custom at Thebes at least since the early Middle Kingdom (ca. 2000 B.C.) to deposit great numbers of linen sheets with the dead. The more sheets you had, the greater your wealth.

Linens from ABC Carpet and Home, New York City, 2009 A.D.

Sketch of a swallow, ca. 1473 - 1458 B.C.

Scarabs, lots and lots of scarabs. Scarabs are named that because they are derived from the dung beetle family, Scarabaeidae. Nice trivia?

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