Thursday, June 4, 2009


Untitled, A. R. Penck

You Can't See The Forest For The Trees, Marcel Odenbach

After a lot of art we have to take a break. Susan can't put the damned camera down even while we're eating. For the record, we had cookies.

Susan speaks: I don't get it. The MOMA is a world-famous museum that zillions of dollars went into when it was renovated. So who in the h*&% thought up this stupid design for sinks? Not only does the water splash everywhere when you turn it on, the paper towels aren't even next to the sink. This sink design is probably called "Permanent Job Security" by the housekeeping crew.

Note: LinkWithin stories now appear on each post. Good idea? Bad idea?

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, I'll try the candied pecan & cinnamon biscotti with a cappuccino, thankyou.


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