Sunday, June 21, 2009

Too Many?

Can you ever have too many books?
Not as long as Susan has an account at Amazon.

Her comment when she saw this picture: "We could get a bigger house. . ."

Late edit from Susan: Don got an email asking how the bookshelves were constructed. Sorry if you got the wrong impression -- this is
not a picture of our house. But I can dream, can't I?


  1. LOL ...My kind of person. My Kalahari wish list gets longer and longer. New books arrive and there is no more space unless I get rid of a few old ones. Very difficult to do!

    "A house without books is like a room without windows" - Heinrich Mann

  2. i was at strand yesterday
    and i only bought one book.
    congratulate me, please.

    i had the peter beard slip cased two book set in my cart and removed it....step away from the coffee table book that weighs as much as a coffee table. (turns out it's cheaper on amazon anyway.)

    the book i found was one i had years ago and have been searching for for at least 10 years. It was on the descount shelevs. yay!



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