Sunday, June 7, 2009

Washington DC - Smithsonian Craft Show

We made it to the National Building Museum in time to see the Smithsonian Craft show. These are just a few of the people whose booths we lingered at (and asked permission to post their work). Many of them have their own websites where you can see more of their work.

At the top and right below, Angela Cunningham's ceramics:

Akiko Sugiyama's paper sculptures:

Eugenie Torgerson's beautiful books:

Randall Rosenthal's books, all made completely from one block of wood:

Mike Libby's insects:

Jiyoung Shung's paper sculptures:
And last but never least, Talya Baharal's jewelry (both here and here). It never fails to enchant Susan, and I can only dream of being as creative or skillful.

1 comment:

  1. Such wonderful inique pieces! Tayls Baharal's jewelry is indeed enchanting.(I probably said that on an earlier post about her work.) I had to look twice at Rosenthal's magazine, wondering why you would post it amongst the art.


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