Monday, August 3, 2009

Disintegration Finale, Part Two

The backing sheet of the diploma showed a lot of rust but not much else. Susan did some kind of tricky cutting where the whole piece came apart into one huge long strand. We just hung that as ShovelHead's hair. We'd thought about leaving the long strand hanging from a tree but it was too much trouble to get out the ladder to do that.

So, the final part of my Disintegration piece has gone back outside to continue to disintegrate. The nasty plastic film on the paper will probably keep it from being useful to the birds but I'm contemplating rubbing peanut butter on it to see what the squirrels will do. Since the squirrels gnaw through the metal on my "squirrel-proof" bird feeder, I'm sure the plastic will just be an appetizer for them.

I made the ShovelHead people when I was taking welding. There are about 3 more stuck around in our yard. They don't particularily have personality and therefore they don't have names but they do a good job as sentries.

Thank again, Seth, for getting us all involved in Disintegration Collaboration.


  1. these are fabulous --- they definitely have personality in my opinion too!

  2. How about Ms. DisCo~Shovel?!
    I think I like your shovel heads alot.
    And, she definately has the big hair we Texas women love! LOL.

  3. I think the shovel people are great, love em! Boy that diploma sure got a work out in some unexpected ways, LOL! Bet it was very satisfying too!

  4. your sentries are awesome with their great rusty presence!

    ~*~ Patty

  5. Yes, they do have personalities. Their personalities are just hard to describe. They remind me of totems. And I think they're great. Your part 2 of the DisCo fit right in. You have a family there - or an audience, maybe.

  6. These are wonderful additions to your family. You have a true sense of humor and bring joy and life to these lovely statues. I believe one of them even looks a bit like Seth.


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