Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Felix and Oscar

Three guesses, and the first two don't count, to decide where I work and where Susan works. Susan looked at the picture and declared her space was looking pretty good because all she had to do was move the grey plastic bin and she had another spot to pile stuff on. The table in the back is actually supposed to be outside for messy painting work. We brought it inside this winter and she started piling stuff on it. When it came time to take it back outside... I had to go buy another one (Wal-mart, $29, 2'x4', fold-out legs).

Felix and Oscar, the original Odd Couple, would feel right at home with us. If you are thinking of feeling sorry for me, crammed into the corner on the right, don't. I've claimed the entire 2-car garage for my ceramics work. This is a very bad thing when the temperature hits the 100's and you have to get in a car that has been sitting in the heat all day. Those shiny silvery dashboard folder things do not keep the car cooler, they just let you hold the steering wheel without burning your hands. Women over a certain age get very cranky when their cars have to sit in the sun all day and yes, definitely yes, I know the correct answer to the question "Is it hot in here or is it just me?"


  1. I love both spaces! The best of both worlds *smiles*

  2. My car/SUV speaks to me and says "please don't make me spend the day and/or night outside all alone. I like shelter just like you do. That's why I get the garage space and hubby CHOSE to shelter his motorcycle. His poor dirty, lonely car/SUV has to be outside in the elements. It's all about choices. I made mine...of course I only have one vehicle so it was an easy choice.

  3. I would definitely pick the second picture. But you know what they say most great men are untidy.

  4. It was wonderful meeting you in Susan Lenart Kazmer's class at AU, Don!(I'm glad that I met Susan too). My studio definitely looks more like Susan's. However, maybe if I had more space, mine would be tidy..... (not a chance)
    I'll seen you next year!

  5. Great to see your spaces side by side!! LOL!


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