Friday, August 7, 2009


Varlam was created in a ceramic sculpture class I took from Alejandra Almuelle. He was originally going to be about 5 feet tall . But the kiln I use takes pieces only under 27 inches tall so that meant segmenting the piece. The legs/lower half never got made so Varlam does have a belly button but nothing south of that.

The ceramic eye and shoulder patches are supposed to look like leather and they were fired with real nails in place.


  1. I like Varlam's eyepatch ... and his mouth.

  2. Varlam is my no.1 all time favourite. (though I do love all the heads in little boxes). Don this piece is the best thing you've ever done .....It aught to be in 500 Ceramic Sculptures. What do you think? The expression on his face is priceless.

  3. Brilliant. Fired with nails? And no cracks?? awesome. Great work.


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