Sunday, September 13, 2009

Incredible Talent: Kseniya Simonova

Thanks to Katie Kendrick for this YouTube video:

I'm amazed at how graceful her hands are, especially when she's using both hands at the same time. She may have done those same pictures a thousand times but when she throws the sand back down she's giving herself a new challenge each time. At first I was confused about the people in the audience crying but a little research gave me the info that she was depicting events about Germany conquering the Ukraine during WW II.

I never cease to be amazed at how creative people are all over the world.


  1. Very moving video and unique process.
    Have you heard of or seen a video of William Kentridge from South Africa?
    He also has a process of drawing and erasing and drawing to create moving pictures into a short movie-- about the issues in his country. also very emotional moving stuff.

  2. You should look at Kseniya's latest work

    The comments explain the text.


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