Friday, October 2, 2009

No, I Didn't Make This Up

Appearing in my newspaper:

Pasadena, TX -- A Houston-area woman who was angry at her former husband fried their seven pet goldfish and ate some of them. The man reported Saturday that he and the woman had argued and that she later took the goldfish from his apratment. Police officers went to the woman's home and found four fried goldfish on a plate. She said she already had eaten the other three. No charges would be filed because the dispute is a civil matter.

This item has already made "News of the Weird" and their take on it was: Good thing they didn't have a dog.

Illustration from "My Goldfish" by Stephane Barroux.


  1. Now that's what I call headline news! LOL

  2. love the illustration.

  3. talk about the ultimate revenge-- some doozies make it in the news.

  4. I don't understand this habit of people taking revenge on their ex by torturing innocent pets! It's cruel.


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