Friday, October 9, 2009

Test Tiles

Lately my clay hasn't been talking to me. I've made a lot of pieces but just wasn't feeling very enthused about them. After a lot of mental struggles (and advice from my Muse) I've found a new direction to head in. Coincidentally, a pile of test tiles I planned to throw out suddenly seemed like they should be given a second chance. Once again, blog posts from Robyn have helped me find my way.


  1. Ooo I wonder what you are creating. Glad something inspired you....and the test tiles look interesting.

  2. Well, you have landed on my favorite colors and textures-- love the rusty weathered feel to these-- and I agree about Robyn's blog.

  3. This is an art piece as is. And you have me curious as to what you will do with them next!


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