Friday, November 20, 2009

Fellow Artists

After two days the sale is finally over. We were lucky enough to be invited to show with the instructors on the second day which was a good thing except that I'm really tired after two days of being "on" and talking to people about my art. I took some pictures of the artists sitting around me and promised I'd show their work. Above is a segment of a bright painting by Jaspa Hickman. No, the hands weren't stenciled, they were all individually painted.

Below is Mel (Mélide Canton-Josh), a fellow ceramics student. I asked her which was her favorite piece and took a separate picture of that.

Right next to my table was Genevieve Elise, a printmaker. She had cards for sale and a number of prints. Susan negotiated a trade of one of my ceramic books for one of her "Buddy Holly Glasses" prints. She made Genevieve give her the last print that wasn't as sharp as all the others because she plans to cut it in half and use it as a front and back cover for a book she'll make.

Andrea Whilhite was selling dragonflies at the table next to Mel.

Mary (you saw her work before) gets a really nice dark green glaze on her pieces.

And last but not least, Amy of The 100 Heads. She also had a number of beautiful ceramic birdhouses that were really unique but they were a tough sale. People couldn't quite figure them out, as in "How can you clean them out?" or "What kind of birds go in these?" Get a grip, People, they're A-R-T.


  1. For many years I participated in holiday shows and summer art fairs-- it is exhausting to always smile and chat and answer the same questions-- I usually got "how long did this take to paint?" and no matter what I said it never seemed long enough. Looks like you were in a good quality show with good art-- always the best ones.

  2. Hope it was worth your while, Don. I like Genevieve's prints, especially the Buddy Holly glasses.


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