Monday, November 16, 2009

Holiday Art Sale

If you are in the Austin area on Wednesday, November 18, please stop by the Austin Community College Highland Business Center (behind Highland Mall) to see what all of my fellow artists are offering for sale. Students sell on Wednesday, on Thursday the instructors' work will be featured.

This sale gets very little publicity even though we have it every year. As a result, we don't get very many shoppers so we have to price our work pretty low if we want to move it out. This means our sale is a great bargain! You can never tell what will sell and what won't and that unsold stuff has to be lugged back home. One year I sold out of ceramic books, but last time I only sold a few. They'll go back this year for another try.

I'll be selling my ceramics work and a few of the pieces I made while I was still doing welding. The full-size masks above ("Parental Unit 1" and "Parental Unit 2", will be part of my offerings, along with "Birdman", "The Woman" and numerous heads (shown below). I do put some of my work with the gallery that is generous enough to include me in their group but I have a lot more work that isn't the style they are interested in. So this is where I sell it.

My Blog Wrangler has told me many times (and so have several other people) I need to set up an Etsy shop but so far I've resisted, mainly because she would have to do all the work on it. Without my permission (as if she'd pay attention anyway) she did register "Flummoxed" as an Etsy shop (empty now) for me, mainly because she found out my name was already taken.

Remember Amy? She was going to make 100 heads and probably has more than that but they moved out of the ceramics lab as soon as they were fired. Here's a look (below) at one bunch of them after their final firing. Click here for her blog. I've been making heads (none bigger than about 4" tall) for about 6 years now and they are scattered all over the yard and in the house and many were given away. I wish now I'd bothered to count them.


  1. Wishing you luck for Wednesday, Don. If you don't sell all your pieces give Etsy a try.



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