Friday, January 8, 2010

Going Nowhere Fast

School starts again in 14 days. During my 6-week break so far I have accomplished:

Susan looks wistfully at the Countdown calendar every day. She has now started lecturing me: "Do SOMETHING!!! And that does NOT include lying on the floor with your T-shirt over your face."

To add insult to injury, today would have been Elvis' 75th birthday. Where is the King when you need him?


  1. Lol .... Susan I have the same problem here. I'm pulling my hair out!
    Don, do you really lie on the floor with your T-shirt over your face? Actually I feel like doing that myself so don't feel too bad. School will be good.

    I love Quirky Dude!

  2. Looks like Elvis has left the building!


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