Monday, February 1, 2010


Roger's arms can move but his "belly button" is fixed in place.

Pieces like Roger, Sylvester, Petya, and Pingo just stay at home because the gallery that sells my "Dudes" doesn't want to take them, they just want the regular pieces. I think they feel the colors make them too hard to sell. So the guys just stay on my shelves and watch me work. I'd consider Etsy for them but I'm too worried about the shipping - even with a lot of bubble wrap they could wind up being just a box of shards on arrival.

As for Petya, she's nearly 24" high and would probably never survive shipment. Right now I'm in the process of making her 4 other sisters, all tall like she is.


  1. He's pretty funky and I like him. I think you would be surprised what survives the USPS in a box with bubble wrap - you should at least try!

  2. She's gorgeous! Find another gallery who will do back flips for the others! You will be surprised what survives a long trip from Africa to the states wrapped in bubble wrap.

  3. I say you try Etsy. It is tricky, but you could find a good home for Roger (like mine) where he could be himself and thrive. Just sayin.

  4. Gee. What's not to like! Also very symbolic for someone with tummy issues!! SIL


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