Saturday, March 6, 2010

Ancient Shield

Susan speaks:
For the past few days Don has been in Houston at the AdornMe art workshops, with his "spiffy" (thanks, Marie) new tool case. Therefore, quiet bliss here at home!

Carol was in Richard Salley's Ancient Shield Pendant class with him and was generous enough to snap a picture of his work and email it to me. (Obviously, Mr. Non-Techie didn't take a laptop with him and has a dumb, not smart, phone.) More details and photos about the classes and people there to come, so stay tuned.

What about his ceramics? He has several ideas about ways to incorporate his jewelry work, his metalsmithing and his junk metal pieces into his ceramic pieces. Time will tell.


  1. Oooooh Susan, I LOVE this piece that Don has created. I'm glad Carol took a picture of it and sent it to you!

    Soooo, what are you doing today with Don away?

  2. I think it's a great idea to incorporate the jewelery into the ceramics since Susan doesn't wear the jewelry. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with Don.

  3. Love that ancient shield piece so much!!

    Enjoy your quiet bliss, Susan.

  4. Are you typing to the tune of "shark"?
    Beautifully executed piece and I hope you are enjoying your unfettered pajama time!


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