Friday, April 23, 2010

Nichos Again and My Fellow Artists

Above is one of my fellow art students, Lorenzo Diaz Jr, with his for-sale work displayed on his table at our community college Art Sale day. Below are some of the nichos I sold at the show.

This Nicho's texture pattern was made with a placemat from the MOMA. It turned out to look like a beehive but it also looks like snakeskin to me.

This is one of my favorite Nichos. The little brads around the opening are pieces of rebar wire that are fired with the clay. I wasn't sure how to arrange the brads but Susan suggested that I make it look like stitching and I'm pleased with that. In the future I want to try more Nichos that incorporate wire.

This Nicho is very dark but I like the texture pattern I got from the canvas cloth I rolled the clay on.

Moses (below) is an extremely creative and talented artist and I bought one of his cups. He taught me that it's okay to take a piece you don't like and throw it in the trash. I still have a hard time doing that but I'm learning that a bad piece just becomes toxic if you keep it around, somehow thinking it will magically look better.


  1. I enjoyed the browse, thanks Don. Love the nicho with the brads.
    How about smashing your trash pieces for mosaics ..... when school is closed. Then you won't have to lie on the floor all holiday ;-)

  2. Looks like a lovely day with plenty of original art to brows!

  3. Wonderful series of Nichos. And well done on the sales!


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