Friday, April 9, 2010

Spring Has Sprung

If you live in the Northeast (New York City and Washington DC) the pictures above probably look familiar -- they represent what blooms for you in the spring. In Texas we have the usual wildflower explosion of bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrush along the highways, thanks to Lady Bird Johnson.

Here in Austin at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center we tour their gardens to spot the kinds of plants that will be more permanent if we plant them in our yard. Our yard is mostly rocky soil, there is a lot of shade, and we don't water. That means everything has to be a survivor of "tough love".

We waved goodbye to Spring this week as we ran our air-conditioner for the first time this year. In Texas we have 4 seasons - Winter lasts for 3 months, Spring lasts for 2 weeks, Fall lasts for 2 weeks, and Summer goes on FOREVER.

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