Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Choosing the right bag to carry as a tourist can be a tough decision for a guy. [Susan is rolling her eyes and sighing.] Man-Purse or Bicycle Bag? Fake it with a big tote bag? Small bag or bag large enough to carry a lot of the extra stuff Susan somehow manages to gather during the day?

To solve the problem I've always carried a plain black Man-Purse type bag so I can tote my share of maps, water bottles, camera batteries, umbrella, Advil, kleenex, sketchbooks, pencils, Metro cards, and all the accumulated what-ever we seem to accumulate. When you walk out of the hotel room with a long day of sightseeing ahead of you you really wind up carrying a lot of .....stuff.

But now I'm considering this fashion statement. What do you think?

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