Thursday, June 3, 2010

Signs of the Times

Well, did you miss me? You probably didn't notice I was gone because the blog has been in Future-Post mode for the past month. The Blog Wrangler and I have been on TBRT (The Big Road Trip) to the East Coast. We spent most of our time in Washington, DC, and Alexandria and Hampton, VA.

The sign above greeted us on our first Metro ride. Take that, you New York subway riders.

We still aren't sure how to take these two signs (above) that Alabama displayed together at a rest stop. However, Alabama had very clean rest stops and friendly staff at the state line Welcome center.

But we definitely got the message on this sign, posted at the back of a rest stop on IH-20 in Texas.

We spent 5 days in classes at Art&Soul in Hampton but for some reason took very few pictures. Susan is still storing out our boxes of supplies and junk and dirty clothes and will eventually get a few pictures on the blog to show you what we did.

We are glad to be home but are commiserating with Risë and EGE on their road trip pain - we've been there, seen that. Just in case you were wondering, Risë is actually more colorful in person than in her blog picture. And, according to Susan, Earl really is Ever Gorgeous.


  1. Welcome home! I'm really looking forward to seeing what you both created at Art&Soul.

  2. HEY! we're PROUD of our rats. they're the biggest best rats in the world!

    mayor bloomberg


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