Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wadaheckerdiez with Lisa Renner

Oh yeah, I make dolls. Since I'm confident in both my masculine and feminine side (sort of) I don't need to insist they are Dudes.  Susan and I just came back from a week in Phoenix at ArtUnraveled -- more pictures to come in the future -- where I took Lisa Renner's Wadaheckerdiez class.

For now, you'll have to be satisfied with this picture of Ricky and his two best friends. Carol did the figure on the left, Janis did the one on the right. The bases will get little wagon wheels added on so that they are like a pull-toy. The video below is from the class, I'm sitting at the table with Janis, patiently (or not so) waiting for a chance to get at the drills. Carol is coming back into the class when she was startled by Susan stealing a chance to get a quick video.  People sometimes think the classes I take are just lectures or boring routines so I thought you might like to see sort of what we do.

Lisa Renner is a great instructor and the main reason I took the class. For the record, I'd take anything she taught. But I guess you can tell that because here I am in a doll class, although it did have some "guy" stuff to it, like using butane torches on shellac which can be a nice explosive touch, if you are so inclined. Or sloppy.

Sometimes it doesn't make any difference what the subject matter is, it is just art and, if you are creative enough, what you do will transfer over to any medium you choose. In my case, this figure will be a jumping-off point for some ceramic pieces this fall.


  1. Looks like a very cool class! Love this stuff! And hey, it was nice to finally, officially meet you and Susan at AU! I'm gonna' keep bugging you until you put something in your Etsy store or vend at AU. I am going to become your art stalker....

  2. ...and you did the one in the centre? Fantastic! Don aren't you kicking yourself for all the years spent in a frustrating job? Your talents so obviously lie in the art field. Thanks to Susan for videoing .... now I'm greener than ever. Looking forward to more.

  3. Your dolls make me go nuts!! (artistically speaking)

    I love them!

  4. I KNEW that I should have taken that class! They look great. It was good to see you again, Don -- but I'm sorry that I didn't get a chance to say hi to Susan! (too involved in my omelette, perhaps)See you next year!


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