Monday, September 20, 2010

At Ease, Dudes

These little Dudes are not going to look pale blue and grey when they are done. This is just what the initial glaze treatment looks like and the clay will get a different color also. Glazing on ceramics can be deceptive in the early stages because the color of the unfired glaze can be totally different from what the fired glaze turns out to be.

I'm experimenting with a different shaping technique for some containers. This is my first try (unfired). We'll see.


  1. In a way I actually like the subtle look of the unfired glaze.Is there a way to make it look like this after it's been fired?

  2. These look great, can't wait to see what the final color looks like.

  3. Can't wait for these little fellas to be finished!

  4. Are you in that line up somewhere? Actually I'm glad you havn't gone all baby blue. Your usual colours are perfect.

  5. I like the dude with the darker head!!


  6. Love these dudes! Can't wait to see them when they are all fired up!

  7. I LOVE these! Each guy has his own expression so beautifully captured on the faces that you can almost read their thoughts! Can't wait to see them all finished. Love the container. I just might have to come to Texas just so I can buy one of these little dudes.. since it seems there's nothing I can do to get them into your Etsy shop....

  8. March on, Dudes! I can't wait to see them when they're finished!

  9. What a cool group of guys. Wouldn't mind hanging out with them for a night out on the town!


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