Saturday, September 11, 2010

We Remember

At the 9/11 Pentagon Memorial the benches representing the victims that were inside the Pentagon are arranged so that when you read the engraved names you are facing the Pentagon's south facade, where the plane hit; the benches dedicated to the victims aboard the plane are arranged so that when you read those engraved names you are facing skyward along the path the plane traveled.

Susan's step-brother's bench is here.  We remember.

The Memorial was not paid for by the government or by your tax dollars.  The Pentagon Memorial Fund, Inc. was incorporated in May 2003 as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization to raise the private funds necessary to design, build and maintain the Pentagon Memorial.


  1. Sorry for your loss Susan on that horrific day. Hadn't seen this memorial before, so thank you for the posting.

  2. Thanks for posting these as i hadn't seen them before. Beautiful. and sad. Oklahoma City is like that too~


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