Monday, October 25, 2010

Just Another Day

A railroad trestle I pass by on my Sunday bike ride, downtown Austin high-rises in the background.

Yarn Bombing on the recycling box at ACC's Rio Grande campus.

My current class site is at Laguna Gloria, where they also have a lot of after-school classes for kids. This tile tacked up on one of the office walls brought me right back to being 8 years old.


  1. What is it with you boys and "no girls"? My Kindergarten kids (aged 3-5) sit at round tables for snack time. The boys are forever telling the girls that theirs is a "boys only" table. I tell them that there is no such thing, and I always eat my snack with the table of boys . To make a point. Even though I'd much rather be eating with the girls who don't try to trick me with burpy and farty sounds. Boys!

  2. Smiling at those bright stripey legs.


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