Monday, January 10, 2011

Gifting and Giving

This is Mr. Scrubby, made of some kind of ecologically wise material. I usually do the dishes so Susan gave him to me and we decided he was too cool to use so he just watches me from the window. We had a fairly quiet holiday. I am listening to an audio book, Unbroken, a terrific book that makes me realize I am a total wimp. Susan is reading a library book, The Passage, and insisting we leave the lights on all night long. Here are more books that we gave each other:

We aren't big gift givers - if we really want something expensive we decide together, if it's not expensive and something we really want, we just get it. Or rather, we wait a week or so and then get it. Which means often times the urge has passed ("If it's meant to be, it will happen"). Unless, of course, it's books and as far as that goes, Amazon should have sent us a Christmas card. Susan has over 130 books on her Amazon Wish List, but just to balance that out, there are three Reserved books waiting for her at our library.

We made Portuguese Soup for our Christmas Eve dinner and finished off with some Pumpkin Cake Roulade we'd held back from the one we took to her sister's that afternoon. We also held back some of the Black Russian cake from the same gathering. Susan usually only makes those cakes once a year so I insist on cutting some quality control samples before they leave the house. Wouldn't want anyone to get some bad cake.

Finally, here is the last of my batch of Nichos, for now anyway.

Here's hoping you had a happy holiday break.


  1. I have almost a thousand books in my amazon cart "saved for later". Most are art reference or teaching (reference) or childrens lit. I try to take fiction from the library. I agree that Amazon should be sending us cards!

  2. lol .... I'm glad I'm not the only one! When M goes away i dare'nt read a scary book because I sit bolt upright in bed all night guarding all entry points. Every noise in the ceiling convinces me "they" are lying in wait up there.

    Drooling over your book pile, smiling at Mr. Scrubby and loving the Nichos.

  3. Mr. Scrubby looks like he would be right at home in East Village in NYC. Cool nicho too.

  4. Mr Scrubby is cool. I have a similar one with a flower head - too cute to use and it sounds like between us we could muster a national library!


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