Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Adorn Me - Tool Making 101

Earlier this month I spend 6 days in Houston at the annual Adorn Me art retreat. The site is an Embassy Suites with great breakfasts in the morning and a manager's Happy Hour every evening. All classes focus on jewelry or something closely related and I have a great time revisiting old friends, learning new stuff, shopping at the vendor show and just having time that is 100% art-related with no pressure.

This year my instructor for all classes except one was Richard Salley. Usually I have several different instructors but this time I just happened to want to sample everything Richard had to offer.  In Tool Making 101 we made steel tools that can be used for jewelry making or, in my case, mark-making on ceramic sculptures. We actually used the tools we made in a class the next day, Repoussé Without Pitch.

The picture below is Richard, working with my friend EJ.
If you are interested in taking some of Richard's classes, check out the ArtUnraveled website -- look for me there this August (don't worry about the heat, you'll be inside in class all day).
More pictures of my classes to come in the next few days.

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