Thursday, March 10, 2011

James Tisdale, Thoughts from China

James Tisdale was my first ceramics instructor. I am continually inspired by the diversity in his work and in awe of his unlimited creativity. These pictures were taken as he installed the "Thoughts from China" show.

James Tisdale
Thoughts from China

"This new body of work is created through the experiences of my recent residency in Jingdezhen, China.

It is a reflection of moments that changed my perspective on both a large and small scale. The trip taught me to refine, to shed and to simplify my life and, in turn, my work. It is a reminder to find the importance in my life and to release that which becomes only a burden.

This can be seen directly in the simplicity of the figure, their sufaces, and their relationship to one another, as well as their environment."
James' work will be up March 4 - April 1 at AMOA-Laguna Gloria Gatehouse Gallery in Austin.


  1. haunting (and, as some teachers always will be on us).

  2. Wow these are weirdly wonderful aren't they?!


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