Saturday, April 16, 2011

Little Guy Gone

 This little guy, about 7" tall, was sold at the Student Art Sale ($20) and I really liked him. I think I need to make more like him.

These small cups, about 2" high each, sold for $3 each. I was experimenting with getting a crackle glaze and was pretty successful. I wasn't as pleased with the black accents but I'm going to work on that in the future.  I still like making small cups as my "test tiles."

Our friend, Maria, can grow anything. Not only are these roses beautiful, they had an incredible strong rose aroma that you never find in the ones in the store.This summer we will be the lucky recipients of okra, beans, tomatoes and loads of different kinds of herbs.


  1. I really like the little cups! Have you ever considered making a tiny little dude into some kind of pendant to wear around ones neck? Combining the jewelry making with the sculpture? I'd wear one.....

  2. Little guy is very cool. I say more more more!


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