Thursday, April 21, 2011

Susan Finsen

How does this happen?

We get up up in Dark Dawn of Never-Again, point ourselves at the airport, park our car about 10 miles from the terminal, wait for a shuttle bus, trudge through a terminal, take off our shoes, shuffle in a line, wait patiently while a TV blares overhead, and shuffle in another line onto a plane. 
After a while we shuffle off the plane in a slooooow line. We trudge again. We shuffle in another line to another plane. We sit for a while as we hurtle through space and finish going over 1500 miles to Washington, DC.
We shuffle off in another sloooooow line, wait for a Metro car, drag our stuff over to our hotel, get back on the Metro, walk 2 blocks, and enter the Building Museum to the the annual Smithsonian Craft Show. It has now been 12 hours since getting up at the Dark Dawn of Never-Again.

No sooner do we walk away from the ticket desk than we hear:
"Well, hello there, Texans."

What?!?!?? How can this be? We haven't told anyone we'll be here.

It was Susan Finsen, a talented, smart and funny artist we had met at the Torpedo Factory last year.  We love her color sense and the playful attitude in her paintings; all the images here are of her work.  Check out her website to see more. It was a delight to see her again and we were also delighted she remembered us.  I'd like to tell you it's because I'm unforgetable but my Blog Wrangler (who loves the black/white series) is already rolling her eyes.

So, how did she manage to spot us at that exact moment?  Magic. Wait, maybe it was my animal magnetism! (Blog Wrangler has stopped rolling her eyes and has now progressed to muttering "I'm done here. I'm done....") 

Stay tuned for future blog posts about some of the great art work we saw in DC and the conversations we had with the artists.


  1. Me too! Thanks for the intro to Susan Finsen's work.

  2. I so envious. Smithsonian and a craft show at the same time? They would have to use dynamite to get me out of there.


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