Sunday, June 19, 2011

It's A Guy Thing

Feats of Clay here in Austin is a great place to shop for ceramics -- and some of my metal sculptures. Judy, the owner, has a great garden area on the side of her shop where she manages to grow stuff despite our drought and heat (102 today). She generously lets me display some of my metal yard art Guys there (all about 3 - 4 feet high) and I am hoping someone will decide to take one home with them.

Some of the sculptures are anatomically correct - Happy Father's Day.


  1. A man of many talents, Don. I love the two holy torso guys...... but now I notice they are the only ones without appendages. (I do love the other guys too)

  2. my fav is the guy with the crank attached to mind! great visual pun. If its a cranky entity or one in need of cranking to think.

    i notice you have two "girls" here likin your "guy thing".

    Don't know if its appropriate, but since you teach students, (which is fathering in its way) I'll say Happy Father's day to you too!

  3. You have done it again Don -- created yet another cool, newly discovered species!


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