Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Guys and Dolls

Last summer I took a class from Lisa Renner (here and here) and was not, for a change, the only guy in the class. Gary Smith was also in the class and he is the artist who created the piece above. Below is a detail showing how meticulous his work is and further down is the picture I took of his piece at the end of the class. Lisa provides more information and assistance than you can possibly absorb in one day so most of us put the finishing touches on our pieces when we got home.

Obviously Gary is a much more skilled artist than I am when it comes to mixed media (my piece, Ricky, is shown below).  I guess I could challenge him to a ceramics smack-down but I'm not sure I could win that!  Although I relish being the only guy in most classes, Gary is an enjoyable classmate and is more than willing to stand back and watch me (unsuccessfully) try to be the Alpha Dog.

Just like I benefit from the atmosphere around Susan, I think Gary benefits from the atmosphere around his wife, Jeanie Thorn. We are both pretty lucky guys. And we make Dolls!


  1. I think it is a tie. Both pieces are pretty amazing in my book.

  2. Don, thanks for the kind words. Gary put up a real fuss when he found out I signed him up for that doll class but he really enjoyed it. Now every year he asks me "what class are you going to have me take?" See you and Susan in a couple of weeks at this year's Art Unraveled get together.


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