Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I Can Draw!

At ArtUnraveled I took a drawing/journaling/sketchbook class from Jane LaFazio. Susan had taken a class from her before and told me I had to take one, no matter what the subject, because Jane was such a good teacher. And she was! Here are my very first "real" drawings and my very first attempts at watercolor.

The drawing below, unfinished, is a start of a piece of a wasp nest. I plan to finish it someday and maybe even do a series of them.

Go here to see more of what everyone did in all of Jane's classes. If you have a chance to take one of her classes -- Do it!


  1. I'm impressed. I have not met anyone who can teach me to draw yet. Perhaps there is hope.

  2. thanks for the mention Don! I hope you'll get out your pen and watercolors and stay with it.Nice work!

  3. Yes you can! Great work, keep it up. Would love to see more.

  4. No surprise that you can draw, Don.

  5. Jane is a FABULOUS teacher! Now I can draw too!


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